2019 Zoning Code
Mogadore Zoning Map
Permits and Approvals Fee Schedule
Plan Review and Inspection Responsibilities
150_201 - Installing or Replacing Sidewalk within Right of Way
150_202 - Replacing Driveway- no size chnge
150_203 - Installing or Replacing Driveway - size increase
150_204 - Install or Replace a Drive Pipe - Ditch Enclosure
150_206 - Work within the Right of Way (utility connection-repairs-etc)
150_208 - Filling or Grading
150_209 - Demolition
150_210 - Clearing
150_211 - Installing or Replacing Fence
150_212 - Patio Installation, Expansions or Replacement
150_213 - Porch, Deck, Garage or Shed Installation or Replacement
150_214 - Residential Construction-Addition
150_215 - Commercial, Industrial, Central Business or Multi-Family Construction-Addition
150_216 - Commercial, Industrial, Central Business or Multi-Family Revised Use
150_217 - Commercial, Industrial, Central Business or Multi-Family Fire Prevention-Access
150_219 - Parks
150_221 - Mail Box Installation or Replacement
150_223 - Swimming Pools
150_224 - Treelawn Landscaping or Plantings
150_225 - Oversized Load (Commercial and Heavy Vehicles)
150_226 - Retaining Walls
151_022 - Minor Subdivision (includes lot split-consolidation)
151_023 - Major Subdivision
151_102 - Dedication or Vacation of Streets, Easements & Dedicated Open Spaces
152_090 - Drilling Wells
152_110 - Conditional Zoning Certificate
152_125 - Variance Request
152_133 - Zoning Map or Ordinance Amendment Petition