Upcoming Mayor’s Court Dates
A waiverable citation means that the individual may pay their citation without appearing in court. If using the waiver schedule you will need to find the charge that is listed on your ticket (Ex. 73.30) and then locate that charge above on the Fines & Costs. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk of Court.
Must Appear Citations
If your citation indicates that you must appear in Mayor’s Court, the court date and time appear in the lower right corner.
Payment Options: NO CASH PAYMENTS! Payment Types Accepted: Check, Credit Card, Money Order.
If you were issued a citation in the Village of Mogadore and your violation is in the Fines & Costs, you may waive your right to appear in the Mayor’s Court. By doing so, you are pleading guilty to the violation. Payments must be received PRIOR to the assigned court date. If you choose to mail your payment, you must sign the back of the ticket and enclose the payment in the form of a check, or money order made payable to Mogadore Mayor’s Court, and mailed to the following address:
135 S Cleveland Avenue, Mogadore, OH 44260
ONLINE PAYMENTS: https://www.ohioticketpayments.com/Mogadore/
Payment Plans
If you are unable to pay your citation in full, we do offer a payment plan. All payment plans must be arranged with the clerk and payment will be made by check, money order, or credit card with the clerk on payment due dates.
Financial Responsibility
The State of Ohio law requires that everyone must provide proof of insurance when requested by a law enforcement officer at the time of your offense, you must bring proof of insurance for the date of your offense to your court appearance or enclose proof with your payment. Proof of insurance is required on the vehicle that you were driving on the date and time you were cited.
For more information, please visit the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
Waiver of Statutory Time
If you are unable to appear on the court date that is given on your citation, you may ask for a continuance.
Suspended/Forfeiture License
If your license is currently suspended, please call 330-628-6295 to make an appointment to reinstate your license.
Online Defensive Driving Course
Distracted Driving Course
Mayor’s Court: 135 S Cleveland Avenue, Mogadore, OH 44260
Office: (330) 628-6295
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 PM
Magistrate: Justin McCarty
Mayor’s Court Begins at 10:00am starting October 17th, 2024. Check in begins at 9:30am the day of court.
****Please follow Mogadore Police Department FB page for updates on the SNOW BAN****